Our Story
Welcome to PrivateJetio Story.
This story is about Two Brands, Two way and Two style in one market, PrivateJetia & privateJetio
Everything started from thinking to the future and fly in dreams! Our team were looking for a trustful resource to get immediate answer to the customers questions, but Internet has no Classified and organized information that can help us. So we decide to make our own, and it become our start to the exciting world of buying and selling private jet.
Our team Focus to make things happen in it’s simplified forms to help customers and visitors get the exact answer in simple clicks, but we know that the big business will look for all details and things that might needed in short term and long term. The crypto currencies technology and AI, made a big change in the market.
So we make two team. The one called PrivateJetia concentrate on the making the biggest Encyclopedia of private aviation in the world based on the classic information and technologies.
PrivateJetio was the team of genius, technology lover young who want the genius marketplace and consultant service using Crypto, AI, VR and listing and classifying everything with their new methods.
The result was insane, Experiences, checklists and highly qualified information are published in PrivateJetio, but details articles with focus on every aspects of owning, maintaining, buying and selling private jets become the biggest encyclopedia of private aviation that called P R I V A T E J E T I A : privatejetia.com has it’s own style to make sure all information and latest news are on time, but P R I V A T E J E T I O : PrivateJetio.com look for the sustainable information and simplified information in associate with high tech solutions.
This is it and we are in the way of Life!
Wish you the best and if you love to join us, just make a contact and we will be in touch!